Women's Health

Magnesium: The Relaxation Mineral

Magnesium is one of my favourite minerals and one I use a lot of in my practice due to the plethora of conditions it can help treat. Mainly it is a relaxation mineral, relaxing your muscles, mind and mood. It is a very simple mineral but a common definitely we tend to have. 

Magnesium is crucial to our bodies as it is needed in over 300 reactions as a co-enzyme. Basically if we don’t have enough magnesium our body doesn’t work optimally leading to several issues, including high blood pressure, migraines, cramps and even acid-reflux, just to name a few. Unfortunately magnesium is hard to get in our diet due to soil depletion and heavy food processing. It is also depleted from an excess of coffee or pop. It is found in foods such as seaweeds and other leafy greens, as well as nuts and seeds but it is difficult to eat enough of these foods to get sufficient magnesium levels. Multivitamins also don’t typically have enough magnesium to top up what we do get from our diet. Those supplements tend to have 0-70mg/tablet, which is far lower than the recommended dose. 

Wondering if you could use magnesium? What does magnesium help with:

  • Muscle pain - relaxes skeletal muscle, which we use during exercise and which get tight during times of stress 
  • Cramps - either muscle cramps like charlie-horses or hormonal cramps during your period
  • Constipation - relaxes smooth muscles in your gut (magnesium citrate is the best form for this)
  • Migraines - a great addition for migraine treatment plan 
  • Insomnia - helpful to take before bed
  • Stress - the more relaxed we are the better we can handle stress
  • Hypertension
  • fibromyalgia
  • Acid reflux
  • PMS - balances mood
  • Metabolic syndrome - eg. diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism 
  • Osteoporosis - helps to build bone
  • and so on!

I usually use magnesium bis-glycinate in my practice as it is more highly absorbable and has less side effects, ie. loose stools. Magnesium citrate is only helpful with constipation. The dose varies depending on the person and symptoms, however a good starting dose would be 400mg at night. working up from there if needed. Talk to your ND about what dose is right for you. Epsom salt baths are a great addition to your bath routine as well as they are full of magnesium. Myers intravenous therapy, which I do in my practice, is another great way to get a helpful boost of magnesium. It is a safe supplement to take however be cautious and speak to your doctor if you have hypertension, kidney disease or are pregnant. 

Crave chocolate? You might just be deficient in magnesium! 


In health & happiness, 

Dr. Karen


(Photo credit: www.purabotanica.ca; articles.mercola.com)

Menopause: Is it hot in here, or is it just me?!

Catch yourself saying this often? There is a logical explanation for it...hormones!

Menopause is a normal physiological change women experience at some point in their life. It is not something we should try to prevent but also not something we have to ignore. Several things can help women adapt to these hormonal changes. The typically age of menopause is 51, but it is normal to experience symptoms 5-6 years on either side. Women can also be jolted into menopause at an earlier age due to such things as a bilateral oophorectomy (removal of both ovaries), chemo/radiation or even a very stressful event. Also, all women experience menopause differently, which is why individualized treatment is important to see the greatest improvement.

Common/classic symptoms:

Photo: http://www.life-saving-naturalcures-and-naturalremedies.com/home-remedies-for-hot-flashes.html

Photo: http://www.life-saving-naturalcures-and-naturalremedies.com/home-remedies-for-hot-flashes.html

  • changes in your menstrual cycle
  • hot flashes/night sweats
  • sleep disturbances
  • vaginal dryness
  • low libido

Other symptoms that may be associated with menopause:

  • anxiety/depression
  • memory issues
  • urinary incontinence
  • weight gain
  • skin/hair changes (dry skin; more or less hair)
  • fatigue
  • joint pain
  • headaches
  • dry eyes

What is happening?

A little terminology: Perimenopause is the period immediately before menopause, starting with changes in the menstrual cycle and ending 12 months after the final period. Postmenopause begins after the final period. Menopause encompasses all of this.

During our childbearing years, our bodies secrete estrogen, progesterone and FSH (among other hormones) to regulate our cycle, produce an egg, stimulate ovulation and create a menses every month. As we age, the number of ovarian eggs decrease and these hormones begin to change. FSH levels initially rise during perimenopause, then progesterone levels begin to decline (less produced in your ovaries). This typically initiates a longer, heavier and/or less frequent period. Finally, close to the end of perimenopause, estrogen levels decline, causing those dreaded hot flashes/night sweats and dryness (everywhere!). The variety of different menopausal symptoms occur as these hormones have many effects in our body and there is a strong connection between your sex hormones and stress hormones. 

What can you do to improve your symptoms?

About 75% of menopausal symptoms can be managed with non-hormonal strategies, including diet, herbs and lifestyle changes. 


  • Eating a whole foods colourful diet is always a good start to ensure adequate nutrients. 
  • Adding omega 3s, found in fish/fish oil, nuts and seeds will help decrease inflammation causing more severe menopausal symptoms. Several studies have shown a decrease in hot flashes and depression with omega 3s. 
  • Flax seed is a good source of omega 3 but also acts as a pytoestrogen (mimic or blocks estrogen depending on what is needed). In this case, it mimics estrogen to minimize symptoms. One tablespoon ground per day is an adequate dose.
  • Eating adequate good fats is important for hormone synthesis but will also help with lubrication. Think oils, butter/ghee and avocado. 
  • Finally, noticing symptom triggers and avoiding them as much as possible is key. Common hot flash triggers are alcohol, caffeine and spicy food. 

Herbs: Several botanical herbs have been studied around their effectiveness on menopausal symptoms and may be all that is needed.

  • Black cohosh has been shown to decrease several symptoms including hot flashes/night sweats, joint pain and depression and is safe in breast cancer.  
  • More recently Maca has popped up and has been shown to have the most effect on low libido. 
  • Saint John's Wort is very effective in taking "the edge off" if you are feeling anxious or depressed, as well as improving hot flashes.
  •  Considering the connection to the adrenal (stress) gland, Ginseng or Ashwagandha may be the right herb. It acts on the adrenal glands to improve psychological well-being, fatigue and sleep.
  • Finally, Valarian can be taken in combination with any of these herbs for insomnia due to night sweats.

These herbs are just a few herbs I tend towards for my patients. Consult an ND to find the right herbs and doses for you.

If diet and herbs have not made a significant change in your menopausal symptoms, bio-identical hormonal therapies, or conventional medication may be indicated. Bio-identical hormones mimic our natural hormones to elicit the same physiological response. The dose is dependent on the individual. Hormonal therapy and medication can have both benefits and risks. I recommend starting with the most natural strategies and work from there. 

Remember this is a new phase of life, meaning an opportunity to reassess your health status as well as create new life goals for this next phase. I am solely here to help you along the way.

In health & happiness, 

Dr. Karen