food reset

2016 Real Food Reset with Dr. Karen

Come join me for the 2016 Real Food Reset!

Feeling like you need a little push to feel your best this year? Join Dr. Karen and your peers for a week long "reset". We will be eliminating the most common inflammatory foods, while focusing on real, whole foods and detoxification to support your body. 

Dates: January 23rd-January 29th

Intro talk: January 21st, 7pm at Symmetry Wellness Centre

Includes: One weeks worth of delicious recipes, a suggested meal plan + 30 minute acupuncture treatment to check in (at a time chosen by you during that week - upon availability). 

Cost: $60

Space is limited so reserve your spot via email ( or phone (902-444-6555). Please share with your friends.

Get excited about real, colourful, delicious food with me.

In health & happiness,

Dr. Karen

(Photo cred: