My Go-To Immune System Supports

For some reason the change of season has hit many of us hard this year bringing on bad colds/upper respiratory infections, including my family. I am relying heavily on my go-to immune system supports right now, as well as rest (when I can) and lots of healthy food and fluids. I wanted to share what I find works for our family and what I often suggest for patients.

  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C in powder or capsule form is a great support for both the immune system and adrenal/stress system. When we are burnt out our immune system is not as effective. Taking 2000-3000IU daily of vitamin C down regulates the stress response and at least 1000IU daily supports the immune system.

  • Vitamin D - Keeping up your vitamin D level is to key to helping prevent colds/flus (as well as improve mood). 1000-2000IU daily is a recommended dose for most people to maintain levels. Make sure to take it with food or in drop form as it is fat soluble.

  • Immune Matrix (by Cytomatrix) - This is a great blend of herbs and vitamins indicated for reducing the duration and severity of symptoms of upper respiratory infections, including the common cold. It can also be effective as a preventative measure at a lower dose. It includes echinacea, reishi, andrographis, vitamin c and zinc. I always have this on hand! You can find many variations of this at health food stores.

  • Probiotics! - There is good research showing that taking probiotics daily decreases colds and flus for both children and parents. A 2014 meta-analysis looking at the impact probiotics have on children's immunity showed that parent and child pairs that took probiotics had fewer colds and flus, shorter duration of colds and less sick days. My 3 year old daughter loves the Flora Matrix Kids (by Cytomatrix), and I sometimes bump it up with an elderberry supplement like this if needed. Another great option is Fit for school (by Genestra) - both with probiotics, vitamin D, C and A.

  • My immune smoothie - I crave this when I am sick. It is full of fruits packed with vitamin C. I make a variation for my girls as well. See the recipe here.

  • Some other supplement brands with great immune support blends you can easily find are A.Vogel (Throat spray, Echinaforce) and St. Francis (lung tinctures, Deep Immune).

There are many other immune supportive vitamins and herbs, and others I pull out if my family is sick with a fever or specific upper respiratory infection, but these are what I tend to gravitate towards first.